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Monday, December 30, 2013

Sorry I have been focussing on other Social Media for promotion.

I am sorry I haven't kept you up to date on my shows and events. I decided to focus on other Social Media and expanding my business with tried and true products that I LOVE!!! I have stayed current on  Facebook and upload my newest Creations there. Please check it out My cutest creations are Crinkle Whales,

...or maybe my Mickey mouse hats,, no,
the Minion hats are cuter,...oh boy, I can't decide!

 Maybe you can!  All are available at Kid Culture Boutique in the Junction at 3124 Dundas ST W, Toronto, Ontario M6P 2A2 
(416) 859-9006 
There are many new project I have been working on.  Pop in and see my latest and greatest Creations :)
I also have set up an Etsy Shop and encourage you to check out the link
I hope you have as much fun checking them out as I have been creating them!
All the best for 2014!